Monday 3 May 2010

The Value Of The Summary Exercise To Each Person

In my opinion,reading newspaper makes people more smart ,comfortable,enthusiastic. Sometimes also relax. Newspaper makes you know more about the things that happening around the world and makes you know more about the things you interested in. But the information in the article says both in a good and bad way because maybe it 's add the opinion by the journalist. So you should read whole and re-read again to make sure that you really understand it. If you don't understand, it can be a very big problem to summarise.

I think summary is a good way to practice the English skill. Before you summarise it to you friend you read whole about it and find the unknown vocabulary. This makes your reading, dictionary, and vocabulary skill are all developed. The more you read,the faster you become. Finally,while you summarise to your partner you learn how to make some understandable sentenses in order to make your partner understand it. This is a great way to practise a conversation. I think this is The Value of The Summary Exercise to Each Person.
And What do you think ?

1 comment:

ipear said...

Yes, I agree with you.